By Helliet Nyamunda
Dancehall queen Lady Squanda left people asking for more at a roadshow conducted by Chitungwiza Community Development Network (CCDN) at Taita shops in Unit O Chitungwiza where she encouraged young people, youth, women and men to register, inspect the voters roll to see if all the details are entered correctly and vote through her music.
The roadshow attracted many residents who found their way to the event as they were curious on the lined-up activities. On the event, there were live performances from various young artists, comedians, CCDN staff and other partner organizations which include Justice for Women Zimbabwe.
Lady Squanda is an award winning female artist who produced popular songs like, Ndinovhaira, Unondipukuta musodzi, Muera soko, Usipo among many others.
She even sang some lines in relation to voter registration, inspection and voting which made those unregistered residents to take a step forward by registering to vote. She raised her fans and the public as she got onto the stage with her song called “Ndinovhaira” in which she had changed her lyrics and sang about a proud registered voter who will participate in national activities and in decision making processes in Zimbabwe.
She urged people at the event to enjoy their constitutional rights by registering to vote and voting, encouraging them to also pass the message to the people at home and in the community at large.
“Mafans angu ndokudai and muka register kuvhota munenge mandidadisa, please ngatisangochemai kuti zvinhu zvakaoma tichiregedza kuita the right thing now. Hanty tese toda mabasa saka ngati mhanyei kuno register and tovhota futi kuti tigadzirise nyika yedu tese” said Squanda through music.
Lady Squanda enter-educated Chitungwiza residents through her music. She further went on to talk about the BVR requirements for one to be an eligible registered voter. She said that participation is power and without participation you cannot hold anyone accountable in their duties.
“Kana ukavhota unotokwanisawo kubvunza kuti ko councilor zvamakati mvura ichabuda muma tap every day, mabin achatakurwa nemaroad achagadzirwa zviribho, makazodii? And mafans angu mune simba rekutobvisa munhu wamakavhotera pachigaro kana akubhaiza”, added the Queen of Zimdancehall.
Most youths and the elder men and women were singing along with her each time she dropped a tune, which showed how truly influential the artist is to the younger generation. Even after the roadshow, when she was leaving, the youth blocked her way to stop her from going since they wanted her to continue singing.