Does gender have space in political leadership?



The human rights activists and women activists gone for a longtime advocating for gender equality. Gender refers to both women and men, and relations between them. Yes, it is the inclusion of both men and women when one erect the issue of gender equality.

I realised that the gender equality should be considered in all spheres of life such as political, economic and social development. With this in mind, the activists became active to pursue gender equality since they have recognised the exclusion of women in development. The women became inactive to developmental issues that resulted inequality.

The gender mainstreaming become a paramount important as a strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the policies and programmes in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. ( DFID 1998).

The supra sentiment bolster the point that the inclusion of women in political, economic and social development plays a critical role as they are capable to develop the nation, communities and to suggest the strong decesions concerning the developmental issues.
Africa gone a long way without recognising the capabilities in women leaders particular Zimbabwe.

Womens been sidelined in political leadership. I can say women are powerful political leaders who can revive the dead state economies. Why? because they manage to fend for their families when their male counterparts gone for jobs to the diaspora or objected the babies.

This vividly shows how powerful and capable are womens. Long ago in history womens played critical roles in politics. A renowned historian Phathisa Nyathi in his book LOZIKHEYI DLODLO describes she as ‘ dangerous and intriguing’ lady. With Phathisa Nyathi’ s descriptions to Lozikeyi pictures out that she was a charismatic leader and Phathisa was portraying a picture that Ndebele queen was a capable leader.

In the same book Nyathi states that Lozikeyi was a state unifier and life saver. Therefore, the political capabilities of women has gone to 1960s during liberation struggle when a young lady Joyce Mujuru joined the struggle at the age of 18. How capable and braveshe is !! I do believe that there were many men to join the struggle but did not maybe because of fear and incapabilities. Indeed this gives an evidence that women are capable in political arena. Mujuru was appointed a Minister at the age of 25.She climbed a political ladder to its peak and now she is a political party leader. Having said this, Vice President of Mdc t Thokozani Khuphe from being a trade unionism to be Deputy Prime Minister and championing for women interests. These two ladies showed the features of Lozikeyi in Zimbabwe. With this, women are capable and should equally occupy political posts with their male counterparts.


The study sought broadly to show that women are capable leaders who can champion the political,economic and social development. Therefore, the above discussion vividly brought the womens who made it in the political arena and how significantly contributed to the political development. More importantly, their male counterparts and the nation should recognise the capabilities in them. And them to unravel their political potentials without fear.
Mthokozisi Ncube
BUYA Coordinator
mthokozisimabuza@64gmail. com